Terms of Providing Trust Services in Stationary and Mobile Forms

 1.   Definitions 

  a). Trust Services - services provided by Eurocert Sp. z o.o. (Ltd) located in Poland, Puławska Street 472, 02-884 Warsaw, with VAT number 9512352379, which involve generating Qualified Certificates for Qualified Electronic Signatures and Qualified Electronic Seals. 

  b). Subscriber - a natural or legal person applying for the issuance of a Qualified Electronic Signature or a Qualified Electronic Seal.

  c). Identity Verifier - an Irish Dragon company employee with an impeccable reputation, having a certificate of no criminal record from the National Criminal Register, who has an agreement with the Subscriber on behalf of and for Eurocert Sp. z o.o. 

  d). Agreement - an agreement made between Eurocert Sp. z o.o., on whose behalf and for which the Identity Verifier, an employee of the company Irish Dragon Roman Żurowski, hereinafter referred to as Irish Dragon, operating at 3A Owenahincha Apt., Rosscarbery, P85 W322 co Cork, with VAT number: IE 3323731S, CRO Registration Number: 306789, and the Subscriber for the provision of Trust Services. 

  e). Important Identity Documents - identification documents, passport, and a second ID (e.g., Driving License, Public Service Card, etc.), proof of residence (e.g., current bill for electricity, gas, or telephone), and for a Qualified Seal issued for a legal person, a Company Agreement, an original excerpt from CRO, identity documents of persons representing the entity, and other documents confirming the identity of the Subscriber that the Identity Verifier might ask for. 

 2.   Conditions for providing Trust Services in stationary and mobile form  

  a). Stationary and mobile Trust Services include an individual meeting with the Subscriber to verify identity and sign a traditional agreement. 

  b). The meeting takes place at a designated place and time, agreed upon with the Subscriber. Either at the Irish Dragon office or at a location indicated by the Subscriber. 

  c). During the meeting, the Subscriber is required to provide Important Identity Documents for identity verification. 

  d). The Identity Verifier verifies the Subscriber's identity documents, entering the necessary data to provide the service into the Eurocert Sp. z o.o. IT system. 

  e). After verifying the Subscriber's identity and signing a traditional agreement, the Irish Dragon employee issues a Stationary Qualified Electronic Signature or Qualified Electronic Seal. 

  f). The Identity Verifier may refuse to issue a Qualified Certificate in case of: 

     •      Rejection of the application for a Qualified Certificate by Eurocert Sp. z o.o.

     •     The passport's expiration date, based on which the certificate is to be issued, is less than or equal to 1 year.

     •      The presented documents raise doubts for the Identity Verifier, a decision made by the Identity Verifier


The process of issuing a Qualified Electronic Signature or Electronic Seal is developed according to the best knowledge of Eurocert Sp. z o.o. and does not require at any step the possession of a Qualified Electronic Signature or Qualified Electronic Seal by Irish Dragon. 

 3.   Subscriber's Obligations  

  a). The Subscriber is obliged to provide valid Identity Documents during the meeting with the Irish Dragon representative.  

  b). The Subscriber commits to maintaining the confidentiality of their Qualified Electronic Signature or Qualified Electronic Seal and not to disclose them to third parties.  

  c). The Subscriber bears full responsibility for using the issued Qualified Electronic Signature or Qualified Electronic Seal.  

  d). The subscriber is obliged to report any violations of the Trust Services to  

     •      Irish Dragon (contric.com

     •     Eurocert Sp. z o.o (Eurocert.pl

by e-mail or phone

 4.   Personal data protection  

  a). Irish Dragon processes the Subscriber's personal data in accordance with the applicable personal data protection regulations in Ireland and in line with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) of the European Parliament and Council.   

  b). Detailed information about the processing of the Subscriber's personal data can be found in the GDPR Information Clause, available on the website at GDPR 

 5.   Final provisions  

  a). The terms for providing Trust Services in a stationary and mobile form are available on contric.com, and it is the Subscriber's responsibility to familiarize themselves with the Terms before concluding the Agreement.    

  b). In case of disputes arising from the Agreement, the parties commit to resolving them amicably. In the absence of an agreement, the competent court to settle disputes is the court competent for the headquarters of Eurocert Sp. z o.o.  

This Privacy Policy is current as of 2023-10-02 and is continuously verified and updated if necessary.

We recommend regularly reviewing the content of the information clause to track any updates. 

Irish Dragon 02-05-2024